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Ayahuasca Retreat Prices

“Weigh the true advantages of forgiveness and resentment to the heart. Then choose.” - Jack Kornfield

The Hummingbird Center is dedicated to keeping this magical healing tradition affordable for all who are looking for an effective alternative to western medicine. Our ayahuasca retreat prices are in the middle range across retreat center prices. While maintaining focus on our mission of healing and providing the highest level of individual care and attention, we will always be one of the lower priced premier centers in the greater Iquitos area. All guests get a private room in one of our tambos in the jungle. Laundry service is included, as are all meals and medicine.

The Hummingbird Center is focused on helping people transform their consciousness, their belief systems, and their understanding of what is really True about themselves. Our emphasis in on mindfulness, paying attention to our inner world, the dynamic between our thoughts, our emotions and our body. We are committed to keeping ayahausca retreat cost reasonable, while providing exceptional care, comfort, and most importantly, results!

Retreat Price $US
7 Days with 3 Ayahuasca and 1 San Pedro ceremony $1800
9 Days with 4 Ayahuasca and 1 San Pedro ceremony $2200
12 Days with 6 Ayahuasca and 1 San Pedro ceremony $2600
3 Wk Immersion with 10-12 ceremonies and 1-2 master plant dietas $3800
4 Wk Immersion with 12-14 ceremonies and 2 master plant dietas $4800

Included in our Ayahuasca Retreats

Ayahuasca Retreat Programs

Our retreats begin on the 1st and 15th of most months, and there is the option of either a 9 Day or 12 Day stay. All retreats include at least one San Pedro ceremony. We also have an Immersion Retreat program with 3 or 4 week stay for those looking to go deep with the medicine or who have more serious issues they want to address.

Ayahuasca Ceremonies

Our 9 day retreats include four ayahuasca and one San Pedro ceremony. The 12 day retreats have 6 ayahuasca and one San Pedro ceremony. The number of ceremonies on our Immersion retreats vary depending on whether they span the end of the month or not. Most people choose to sit out at least one ceremony to rest and integrate.

Master Shaman and Curandero

Banco ayahuasquero Don Hector Fatima has over 50 years of experience working with ayahuasca. Born with a natural gift of communicating with spirits, he began learning the plant spirit tradition from his grandfather at age seven. Don Hector is an exceptionally gifted healer, one of those rare individuals who’s work seems almost magical with the rapid results people receive.

Additional Plant Treatments

We have a plant based energetic cleanse before each ayahuasca ceremony. Most days it is a plant bath made from plants collected from our property by our Shaman Don Hector. The plants used will vary depending on what he feels is best for the group. We also do one cleansing vapor bath that has a guided process lasting around 20 minutes. Many have found this catalyzes a profound healing process, and many have said their ceremony began in the vapor bath.

Individual Shamanic Healing

With the exception of the first ceremony of the retreat, each person will receive individual healing from Don Hector. We bring people up to a mat in the center of the moloca. You will be asked what you would like work done on, and Don Hector will give you a personal treatment based on your request. Individual healing work is also done each afternoon there is not an ayahuasca ceremony, so you will receive specific healing every day of the retreat.

Ayahuasca Integration Circles

The morning after each ayahuasca ceremony we hold an integration circle where people get to share their experience and get feedback from the shaman and facilitators. This is a time to get help understanding what your experience means, how your process is unfolding and details about the specific work the shaman was doing on your behalf.

Changing Our Perception

Two talks will be given on the working of our subconscious mind, how our belief systems influence our lives, and what we can do to change them. When we change our beliefs, we change our perception, and therefore our experience of ourselves and all of life. We are inherently powerful and can change our life for the better!

Other Activities

Our retreats include a variety of other activities including a cleansing mud bath, a guided walk through the jungle with Don Hector talking about the different plants and a fire ceremony to release from our lives something that no longer serves. We also offer an introduction to shamanic journeying where people have a change to meet their power animals and spirit teachers.


All guests get a private room in our tambos (hut) with a toilet, very comfortable full size bed, hammock, writing desk and shelving for your personal items. Most tambos are set back in the jungle along a well groomed trail. We also have two tambos overlooking our pond, where you can sit and watch the turtles. The owner Gina loves landscaping our grounds, and are filled with a number of flowering gardens, and beautiful plants from the jungle.

Ayahuasca Meals

All meals are included and we have excellent cooks who surprise all guests with just how good food can be at an ayahuasca retreat. Meals are mostly vegetarian, but we do serve fish or chicken every other day for lunch. Fresh juices are served every morning with breakfast, and fruit based “refrescos”, a dilute fruit juice, are served with lunch. You will get to enjoy a variety of delicious fruit drinks only available in the Amazon!