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Ayahuasca painting mermaids

9 Day Ayahuasca Retreats

“The key to our transformation is simply this: the better we know ourselves the better equipped we will be to make our choices wisely.” – Gregg Braden

Palm trees beside an Amazon lake

Experience the deep healing and teaching of Peru’s two visionary medicine plants on a 9-day ayahuasca retreat at the Hummingbird Center.

Happy ayahuasca retreat group with our curanderoA retreat at the Hummingbird is an opportunity to experience traditional plant spirit medicine under the guidance of a highly skilled and experienced curandero. Our curandero Manain, has over 45 years of healing experience and has worked with us for over 7 years. Ayahuasca heals and teaches us in a variety of ways. It cleanses and purifies the body, physically and energetically. It helps free us from limiting beliefs and patterns, partly by revealing them to us. It helps us clear blocked emotional energy through the purging process.

The experience of this cleansing process will different for everyone. What is truly amazing about working with ayahuasca, is the medicine spirits treat each person in a unique way. They truly know what is best for each individual, and takes them through a process which allows them to get the healing and growth they desire in the time the person has in the retreat. It is clear the medicine spirits want to help us. Our job is to allow them to, and we do this by trusting the medicine and surrendering to the experience.

A retreat at the Hummingbird Center is an intense journey into deep healing that helps clear the roots of emotional blocks and trauma, allowing you to live in a more authentic and natural way. Much of our experience of life is determined by limiting beliefs imprinted in the past. Ayahuasca shows us these old patterns, helping us release them and form new, healthy belief systems that shifts our daily experience of life in a more wholesome and open hearted direction.

The Hummingbird opened in 2010, strictly following the guidance of master ayahuasqueros. Since its inception our clients have received exceptional results following a traditional Amazonian plant medicine process.

While staying true to what has proven to work, our process has evolved into a highly effective program that includes teaching on the latest understanding of human consciousness and how shifting our thought patterns and beliefs can radically shift our experience of life.

In addition to ayahuasca ceremonies, all our retreats also include at least one ceremony with San Pedro, the visionary cactus of the Andes. Grandfather Huachuma is powerful, yet gentle healer and teacher, and a wonderful complement to the work of ayahuasca. Known as a heart opening medicine, huachuma is capable of deep cleansing of emotional energy we may have unknowingly been carrying for years.

Retreats at our ayahuasca center offers you a broad-ranging healing experience within a safe and supportive environment. Your safety, personal healing and personal/spiritual growth and transformation is our key focus. Emphasis is on time in ayahuasca ceremonies, balanced by insightful activities and periods of relaxation and rest so you’ll be well prepared for the next ceremony.

Highlights of our 9 Day Ayahuasca Retreat include:

  • 9 days/8 nights
  • Four ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Guided meditation before each ceremony.
  • One Huachuma (San Pedro) ceremony
  • A pre and post retreat integration session with an integration professional.
  • Private room with very comfortable bed, toilet, hammock and writing desk.
  • Cleansing vapor bath with medicinal plants.
  • A series of medicinal plant baths to cleanse and strengthen your energy body
  • Individual healings by the shaman during ayahuasca ceremonies
  • Additional individual healing on rest days.
  • Art supplies for painting and drawing to bring your visions to life using color and texture.
  • Integration meetings where you can share your experiences and receive valuable feedback from the curandero and facilitators.
  • Ayahuasca diet with delicious, wholesome and simple meals suitable for working with medicine plants.
  • Guided jungle walk to view the plants in their natural environment and understand their healing purposes
  • A mud bath to draw toxins out of your body
  • $2200 all inclusive price.

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We also have 7 Day and 12 Day stays available.

Sunset in the jungle You will be staying close to nature in a typical South American jungle setting that has been modernized to include the comforts of daily life that you are used to. Our ayahuasca center follows traditional practices that have proven to bring healing results and the growth and change you are looking for in your life.

Each ayahuasca ceremony is led by master curandero Don Manain Amacifen, who has over 45 years of experience working with the healing powers of ayahuasca. His powerful icaros, prayers and energy purify and heal the body and mind. During the individual healings each person receives, people typically feel Manain's work pulling negative energy from their body and filling their body with positive energy.

Depending on your specific needs, our Don Manain may prescribe additional plant medicines. These are usually served as a tea made from the leaves, bark or sap of the plant. Typically the medicine will be drank three days is a row, but some may be drank only once.

Meditation Before Each Ceremony

Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and get into a good mental and energetic space for your ayahuasca ceremony. Forty five minutes before each ceremony we will have a guided meditation to optimize our consciousness for the ceremony. The guided portion lasts around 8 minutes a leads us into a place of positive possibility. The rest is filled with relaxing, mystical music featuring Sitars, composed for meditations.

While you’re on the retreat additional cleansing processes will be planned to help you get the most out of your time with the medicine plants at the ayahuasca center. These planned activities are intended to facilitate your healing process and will comprise of various traditional healing practices. All meals, lodging and laundry services are included, and you’ll be housed in a private room in our new guest house overlooking a beautiful lake.

Huachuma - San Pedro

San Pedro cactus The Hummingbird Center also works with huachuma, the visionary and heart opening cactus of the Andes also known as san pedro. We have found ayahuasca and huachuma to be very complementary. Some individuals have a special affinity for one or the other of the medicines.

Occasionally huachuma will clear blocks in an individual that ayahuasca does not seem to touch. We have seen a number of people who were not having rich experiences with ayahuasca have significant breakthroughs with san pedro, then move on to have wonderful and productive ceremonies with ayahuasca.

The spirits of ayahuasca and San Pedro clearly know people are working with both. During the San Pedro ceremony many find their ayahuasca experiences come into focus understanding the lessons in much deeper and meaningful way. People have wanted to work on a specific area of their life during ayahuasca, and been told by the medicine that would be addressed with San Pedro, and it happened. The opposite has also occurred where people were clearly told something would be addressed in their next ayahuasca ceremony, and that also occurred. A beautiful and gentle healer and teacher, grandfather San Pedro tends to bring very clear lessons and most enjoy the experience.

After the first group San Pedro ceremony, if you prefer to work with it instead of ayahuasca you may do so. It is easy to arrange and we will work that out on a case by case basis. While the experience is very different than ayahuasca, it is a peer in its ability to heal and some people get much more from working with this medicine than with ayahuasca.

Pre and Post Retreat Integration Sessions

Integration is an important part of your journey of growth and change. To help you get the most from your time with these medicine plants, your Hummingbird retreat includes a pre and post integration session in the retreat price. These sessions are provided by Darlene Joy of Woman of the Medicines. Darlene is a clairvoyant and empath with extensive experience with both ayahuasca and huachuma, and a gifted healer in her own right.

Walking into forest lightAt its most basic, the process of integration is practicing new behaviors, and ways of seeing self and others, until it becomes our automatic response to life’s signals. It becomes our default way of moving through life day to day. It becomes integrated.

Integration is important for a very simple reason. If we want our lives to be different and better, something within us needs to be different and better. Integration is fundamentally about a change in our behavior. This change may be a shift in our emotional and mental response to something that had previously annoyed us, or something more overt such as getting to the gym three times a week. The key is we are showing up in life in a different, more productive way. This process of change ideally begins before your ayahuasca retreat by getting clear on your intentions and commitment to change. Becoming increasingly self-aware, mindful, is an important part of the this process. Developing skill in intentionally managing and directing our thoughts and emotions is a key component of mastering our lives. Read More About Integration

You Will Get a Guided Retreat Experience Focused on Healing

Throughout your retreat our expert facilitators will be available to help you understand your journeys and assist you in integrating your experience. They will provide coaching and guidance on how to navigate the process, recognizing that everyone's healing journey is unique.

Our focus is always on healing and we will encourage you to push your comfort zone and step into new productive behaviors and patterns of thinking about yourself and those around you.

On this program we encourage you to relax. Time alone to reflect and integrate your work with ayahuasca is an important part of the healing process. Journaling and the expression of your visions and creativity through art are also recommended and materials are provided for you.

On the mornings following ayahuasca ceremonies, circle meetings are held so you can discuss your experience with the shaman and facilitator and ask questions to get deeper insight into your journey. These meetings are an excellent place to learn more about how ayahuasca works, as everyone's journey is different and variety of explanations and teachings are offered in response.

Through other people's stories you will clearly see the incredible variety in how ayahuasca works and be encouraged to honor and value your own experience, to tell your story honestly without need for it to be like anyone else's.

Shifting Your Perception of Yourself and the World

Unique to our ayahuasca retreat are two talks about belief systems and our subconscious minds, and how to change the often unproductive programming we received as children. This is a detailed discussion of how our thoughts and beliefs influence not only our perception of life but also the body’s physiology.

We all have the ability to change our thinking. What we think and believe has a significant impact on our lives for better or for worse. Often we’re unaware that the pain and struggles we face are as a result of our thoughts and beliefs. Once we can identify the negative views we hold on to we can alter them to bring about positive changes in our lives. As we change our perception of the world around us, we change our experience of life!

How do I get to the Hummingbird Center?

We’ll meet you at 10 AM outside Las Terrazas restaurant, a restaurant on the "Boulevard". There are a number of restaurants on the Boulevard which is a park fronting the river that’s a block away from the Plaza de Armas. From there you’ll be transported to the Hummingbird Center.

You’ll arrive at the ayahuasca center with enough time to get your room assigned, take some time out to relax and then have lunch. An orientation meeting will begin at 2 PM in the maloca, followed by a plant bath to prepare for your first ayahuasca ceremony.

We strongly recommend that you arrive in Iquitos the day before the program begins. This allows you to enter the healing journey well rested and relaxed.

Daily Schedule

While we do occasionally have just 9 Day Retreats, most of our retreat dates are for 9 or 12 day retreats where you have the option of either a 9 or 12 day stay. In those retreats we follow the daily schedule of our 12 day retreats.

Time Activity
Day 1
10:00 am Pick up at 10 AM at the Fizcaraldo restaurant on the Boulevard
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet lets add sm wor for see how wrp gos
2:00 pm An orientation meeting at 2 PM
4:00 pm Cleansing plant bath to prepare for ayahuasca
6:00 pm Guided Meditation
7:00 pm First ayahuasca ceremony
Day 2
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Group integration meeting
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
4:00 pm Cleansing plant bath to prepare for ayahuasca
6:00 pm Guided Meditation
7:00 pm Second ayahuasca ceremony
Day 3
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Group integration meeting. After this we will have talk about San Pedro, tomorrows ceremony.
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
4:00 pm First talk on the power of our subconscious mind and changing our belief systems
6:00 pm Your first dinner at the Hummingbird Center!
Day 4
8:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am Begin the San Pedro ceremony. This is an all day experience that lasts 10-12 hours. You maintain your ability to function well and will have the run of the property.
12:30 pm Snacks of raw vegetables and fruit put out for those that are hungry.
4:30 pm Our traditional San Pedro Day Soup. A big pot of soup is served and left out all evening so people may eat at their convenience.
Day 5
Most people are very tired the day after San Pedro so there is not much scheduled this day
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Group integration meeting.
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
1:00 pm Ladies from the Shipibo tribe arrive to sell their arts and crafts and patterned cloths. Prices range from /S 50 for small cloths to /S 800 for large cloths full of stitching
6:00 pm Dinner
6:45 pm Fire Ceremony for letting go of something that no longer serves us
Day 6
8:00 am Breakfast
10:00 am Second talk on the power of our subconscious mind and changing our belief systems
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
4:00 pm Cleansing vapor bath to prepare for ayahuasca. We are going to sweat!!
6:00 pm Guided Meditation
7:00 pm Third ayahuasca ceremony
Day 7
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Group integration meeting
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
1:00 pm Mud bath, weather permitting.
4:00 pm Meet in the moloca for additional energetic healing by the ayahuasquero
6:00 pm Dinner
Day 8
8:00 am Breakfast
12:00 pm A hearty lunch in accord with the ayahuasca diet
4:00 pm Cleansing plant bath to prepare for ayahuasca
6:00 pm Guided Meditation
7:00 pm Fourth ayahuasca ceremony
Day 9
8:00 am Breakfast
9:30 am Meet in the moloca to receive your Arkana, energetic protection to help your new vibrational state
9:30 am Group loads the bus to return to Iquitos